I just with they were better spent on some other show, because I honestly don't think this show deserves it. The backgrounds look pretty nice, and there are actually some pretty nice scenery shots throughout the show. Toradora? Hyouka? Oregairu? Spice and Wolf? Seriously, this is the best relationship in an LN-adaptation you guys have seen? The characters aren't even that interesting, you honestly can't describe or think of these guys as people (and let's face it, getting them into a relationship quickly may be a nice idea on a basic level, but makes no sense chemistry-wise, we hardly see them get along as friends and boom they're in a relationship).Īnimation is drop dead gorgeous, especially during the fight scenes. I will admit that there are a few scenes that are legitimately alright (the cabin scene was nice.then the ending blew it) and that it honestly is nowhere near the worst relationship I've seen in anime, but I'm genuinely surprised that this is considered by its fanbase to be the best relationship between two characters in an LN. No one is legitimately this pushy when in a relationship, and people don't endlessly shove their love lives down people's throats. By alright, I mean that I'm not cringing every time they interact, and it's actually kinda cute on a superficial level.until you realize it's just that, superficial.Įvery single time they interact, the show feels like it's trying to force you to recognize that it's in a relationship like "OH GOD THEY KISSED" or "OH GOD GIRL IS ASKING GUY TO HAVE SEX" and so on, and it just doesn't feel natural. They legitimately get into a relationship, and it's actually handled alright. What is the show's selling point, that drove its fans insane and say that it's so original and distinct from all those other LN adaptations? Stella is a generic tsundere, Kurogane is the blank MC with the occasional moment, he has a sister that is in love with him, some side kick that's kinda cool and.do you see where I'm getting at here? If only it was just that, but the characters aren't better either. This show may legit be the most uninspired thing I've ever seen in terms of story. Like seriously, that's just plain stupid. That's without mentioning just how absurd some of the powers are (your pupil losing color gives you a power up, really). That's without mentioning a character's ability at copying movements (Kakashi from Naruto says hi), the girl using a fire sword (because Shana), our main character having the same conflict as Tatsuya from Mahouka (though he's a lot better than that abomination of a "character") and even an Accelerator like character who is randomly and maniacally doing crazy things.

So basically, it's attempting to be witty and breaks any chance of me taking this guy seriously.

Our main character responds by stripping in exchange to her baring her unmentionables accidentally (something no human being does and is done only for the sake of comedy) and then establishes himself as a fairly reasonable person, complaining because the girl didn't lock the door and that it was an accident. Let me continue, our female main character is a girl with reddish pinkish hair, who conveniently forgets to lock her door while dressing up (in the very first episode) while the main character walks in. No, I did not describe Mahouka to you just now. The story is basically that Japan won WWII, a hierarchical society of magic users (where magical aptitude is superior to all) exists, and the main character is someone who apparently sucks at magic and yet somehow can conveniently fight on an equal level to some of the best students in an academy that apparently is renown for training magicians. This review involves spoilers, but honestly no one should care about spoilers While I admit that the show manages more right than wrong in one or two aspects, it still manages to be an incredibly bland and generic LN adaptation in the eyes of almost anyone who is experienced enough anime. Rakudai Kisihi no Calvary is a show that does a hell of a lot more wrong than it does right, manages to fall into all the typical LN tropes, and still manages to have an incredibly fervent fanbase which thinks that somehow it is an original show which averts many tropes used in LN-adaptations.